How do I renew an I-Share or GSU book/item?

If you have borrowed a book or other physical item from one of GSU's partner libraries in the I-Share system, you can renew them online using your GSU Library Card account in the online Library Catalog. NOTE: You can follow these same steps to renew GSU items.

Open the Library Catalog and sign-in with your GSU username and password (do not include in the username).

to the library catalog


Once you're signed-in, click on the arrow next to your name in the upper right corner of the screen. Then click on My Loans.

Click My Loans


The 1st thing you'll see under My Loans are GSU-owned items that you have checked-out (if any). To see items you've borrowed from other I-Share libraries, you have to click on the name of the library that owns the item.

Click the I-Share library name


After you click on the correct library name, you can see all items you have borrowed from that library and their due dates. To renew your loan of an item, click Renew. NOTE on Renewals: GSU Students can renew I-Share books up to 3 times (if the item is not on-hold for another user); GSU Faculty and Staff can renew I-Share books up to 6 times (if the item is not on-hold for another user). Non-print items such as DVDs are not renewable.

Click Renew


After you click Renew, you will see a pop-up message telling you if the renewal was successful and the new due date for the item.

View new due date


If you have questions about your I-Share or other interlibrary loan materials, please email


  • Last Updated Nov 21, 2022
  • Views 126
  • Answered By Lily Morgan

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