Google Scholar


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Adding GSU to Google Scholar 

You can add Governors State University to Google Scholar which will allow you view links and resources accessible through the GovState Library on Google Scholar.  

Open Google Scholar in your browser. 

In the top left corner of the web page, click on the 3 stacked lines icon. Clicking this icon will open up a menu. 


With the menu open, find the gear icon labelled “Settings”. Click “Settings”. Once you’re in the settings, find the “Library Links” option in the left sidebar and click it. 


Type “Governors State University” into the search bar and click the search button. 


After you click search, a new checkbox should appear below “Open WorldCat – Library Search”. The new checkbox should say “Governors State University Library – Find It @ GSU Library” 

Click on the checkbox to select the GovState Library. After you’ve checked the box, click the save button in the lower right corner to save your preferences.  


Using Google Scholar 

Open Google Scholar in your web browser. If you have a google account you can log in, but you don’t need a google account to search Google Scholar or to connect it to GovState resources.  

(You do however need a google account to save references to your library.) 

To search Google Scholar, enter your search terms into the search bar and either hit “enter” or click on the magnifying glass icon. 

There are a few methods you can use to narrow or broaden your search results. The first is by using search operators. For more information on search operators, you can view the guide here

Below is an example of a search utilizing the operators. 


You can also use the options in the left side bar to further filter your search results.  

There is an option to filter by a date range which will allow you to only see references published after a certain year. 

If you’re looking for peer-reviewed references, you can filter your results by changing the filter from “Any Type” to “Review Articles”. 

You can view your results either by relevancy (most to least relevant to your search) or by most recently published. 


Accessing References 

When you’ve found a reference you want to access, look to the right of the entry and click on the link that says “Find It @ GSU Library.” This will take you to the Library Catalog.  


Once you’ve opened the catalog entry for the reference, find the section title “View Online”. In this section you’ll see what the availability for the reference is (whether it is the full text) and then a link(s) to the reference.  

Click on one of the database links to access the reference.  


Managing references in Google Scholar 

You can save references you find in Google Scholar to your library.  

To save a reference, go to the bottom of the entry and click on star icon next to the word “Save”. This will open a pop-up menu. 


In the pop-up menu, you can choose to add the reference to an existing list or you can create a new list. When you’ve finished, click “Done”. 

 If you clicked “Save” by mistake, you can click “remove article” to remove the reference from your library.  


Next to the “Save” button, there is a button that says “Cite”. Clicking on this will bring up a pop-up menu that will allow you to export the reference’s citation to a reference manager such as EndNote (you can use BibTeX to export a reference to Mendeley). 


Creating Alerts 

You can be notified of changes or new entries to your search results by creating an alert for a particular search. 

At the bottom of the left sidebar there is an envelope icon with the text “Create Alert”, click there to create an alert. 



You’ll be brought to a new page where you can confirm the email you want alerts sent to and view the search terms you want to create an alert for. 

Once you’ve confirmed all the information is correct, click “Create Alert”. 


  • Last Updated Nov 18, 2024
  • Views 31
  • Answered By Victoria Karnes

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