How to Sign In/Set up Your Mendeley Account


Mendeley is a reference management suite available to students, faculty, and staff of Governor’s State University.  

To learn more about Mendeley’s features and how to use them, please use the following links: 

Mendeley Basics 

Adding and Organizing References in Mendeley 

Citing and Annotating References in Mendeley 

Collaboration in Mendeley 

Signing In to Mendeley 

To sign into Mendeley, first go to  

When you’re there, find where it says to sign in. Click "Sign In" to begin setting up your account. 



After you click “Sign In”, a window will pop up. Select “Sign in via your institution” 



On the next screen you’ll be able to enter the name of an institution. Enter Governors State University into the box, select Governors State from the drop-down menu, and click “continue”. 



On the next screen, enter your university email and then click “Sign In or Register” 



Finally, you’ll have to confirm and add details to finish setting up your account. Your university email should automatically appear in the email box. If it does not, enter it there. In the spot labelled “given name”, enter your first name. Then in the spot labelled “family name”, enter your last name. 

After you’ve made sure everything is entered correctly, click “Register. 


Your Mendeley account should now be set up and linked to your university account. To log into Mendeley in the future, you’ll use your university email and password

Adding Mendeley Cite to Microsoft Word 

You can access the download link for Mendeley Cite through either the Microsoft AppSource or through Microsoft Word directly. 

When downloading from Microsoft AppSource, the download link will look like the picture below. 



You can also install Mendeley Cite from Microsoft Word.  

To install Mendeley Cite into Microsoft 365 online, first click on “File” in the taskbar. Next click on “Get Add-Ins", this will pull up a large list of apps you can add to Word. Find Mendeley Cite under “Educational Resources” and click “Add”. Mendeley cite will automatically open after being added to Word. 



To install Mendeley Cite into Microsoft Word for desktop, click on “Insert” in the taskbar and then “Get Add-Ins". Find Mendeley Cite in the list of add-ins and click “Add”. Mendeley cite will automatically open after being added to Word. 


Adding Mendeley Web Importer to Your Browser 

Mendeley also has a browser extension that allows you to save references you find on the web to your library.  

Open your browser’s extension store and search for Mendeley Web Importer. Once you’ve found the extension, add it to your browser. 


Once you’ve added the extension to your browser, you’ll be able to find it with your other extensions. The example below is what the extension looks like in Google Chrome: 


  • Last Updated Nov 18, 2024
  • Views 1765
  • Answered By Victoria Karnes

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