Collaboration in Mendeley


Mendeley is a reference management suite available to students, faculty, and staff of Governor’s State University.  

To learn more about Mendeley’s features and how to use them, please use the following links: 

Mendeley Basics 

How to Sign In/Set up Your Mendeley Account 

Adding and Organizing References in Mendeley 

Citing and Annotating References in Mendeley 

To sign into Mendeley, first go to  

When you’re there, find where it says to sign in. Click Sign In and use your university email and password. If this is your first time using Mendeley and you need help setting up your account, you can view the tutorial here. 




Groups in Mendeley are designed for collaborative use. With groups, everyone in the group can access the references added to the group. Group members can also annotate and take notes together in real time. 

Creating a group works the same way as creating a collection. Find “Groups” in the left-hand sidebar then click on “New Group”, type the name of the new group, then press enter.  

To manage your group and add others to the group, find the 3 dots to the right of the group name. Click on the dots and then “Manage Group”. 


Selecting “Manage Group” brings up the “Preferences” menu. In this menu you can manage your groups and invite up to 25 people to join your group.  


To add references to your group(s), first select references by clicking on the box to the left of the reference. Once a reference is selected, a task bar will appear at the bottom of the page. Click “Organize” then “Add to Group”. This will bring up a menu that will let you select which group(s) the references are added to. 


When the “Select group(s)” menu comes up, find the group(s) you’d like to add the selected references to and then click the box to the left of the group name. After you’ve selected the group(s), click “Add” at the bottom of the menu to confirm. 


For more information about annotating references please see Citing and Annotating References in Mendeley 

  • Last Updated Nov 18, 2024
  • Views 51
  • Answered By Victoria Karnes

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