How to Find a Book in the Library


You can check if the GovState Library has a specific book you want by searching for the title of the book in the Library Catalog . If you need help checking the catalog for a book, please refer to the instructions here or contact a library staff member or librarian.

If you do not find the book you are looking for you can:  

  • Check to make sure the information you entered in the search bar is correct (check your spelling)
  • Change your search terms  
  • Check to see if it is available through I-Share   
  • Make an ILL request 

If you do find the book you want in the catalog, make a note of the book’s location and call number, this will allow you to locate the book on the shelves and will aid library workers in assisting you if needed. 


Once you’ve recorded the call number, you can go look for the book in the Main stacks. The workers at the circulation and information desks can help direct you to the correct section or help you locate the book in the stacks.   

After you’ve found the book, you can go to the circulation desk where one of the workers will assist you with checkout.   

Please return all borrowed books by their due date. You can return borrowed materials to either the circulation desk or one of the book drops (located outside the main entrance and outside the University Library). 

You can renew books from the GovState collection through your library account online. If you need help renewing materials see How do I renew an I-Share or GSU book/item? 

  • Last Updated Jan 14, 2025
  • Views 23
  • Answered By Victoria Karnes

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